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Products We Love

Below you'll find a listing of products that we use every day. While the product listings aren't sponsored, we do earn a tiny commission if you purchase using the links below.
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The Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Grain Free Dog Food

A great, high quality wet food with natural ingredients, this is what we feed all of our Sheepadoodles.

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The Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Grain Free Dog Food

A high quality dry food with natural ingredients, this is the kibble we use for the puppies when we're not feeding wet.

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Bedsure Waterproof Dog Pillows for Medium Dogs

This is the same dog bed Toby and Tilly have. Every dog needs a safe space that they know without question is their place. These are great because they're waterproof and have a machine washable cover.

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Slopper Stopper Dripless Water Bowls

This water bowl will keep your floors nice and dry. It forces the dogs to keep their mouth inside the bowl when drinking, so they don't drip all over the place and make a mess.

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Mendota Pet Slip Leash

We're big fans of slip leashes like these. No need to fiddle with clasps or hooks, you just slip it around their neck and off you go. They're also great for leash training.

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Coastal Pet Li'l Pals Dog Slicker Brush with Coated Tips

A nice slicker brush with coated tips for detangling and removing debris. This brush has a smaller head which we tend to use around the face.

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Coastal Pet Safari - Cat Soft Slicker Brush

A larger slicker brush than the other, we use this one to make quick work of brushing out their backs, sides and heads.

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Pet Republique Dog Dematting Tool

This is a must-have tool for keeping matting at bay. We keep our dogs coats pretty short and still use it at least once per week. Depending on coat length, you might need to use it more.

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Tru-Pectin Anti-Diarrheal for Dogs & Cats

Something isn't going to sit right with them at some point. Even Amazon can't deliver it fast enough when it happens, so we tend to keep this on hand.

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Gooad Professional Dog Grooming Kit

This kit has almost everything you need to keep your dog trimmed up and looking their best and is what we use ourselves.

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Titanium Professional dog Grooming Scissors set

We use these for quick trims and where need to be particularly accurate, such as around the eyes or other sensitive areas.

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Epica Professional Dog Nail Clipper

These are a good quality set of nail clippers that won't break the bank.

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Earthbath Ultra-Mild Wild Cherry Puppy Shampoo

We've been using this for many years and see no reason to use anything else. It gets them clean, smells great and we've never had irritation issues.

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Earthbath Dog Ear Wipes

Dogs with floppy ears like Sheepadoodles are prone to ear infections if you don't keep them clean. This is what we use and it makes the job pretty simple, its basically just a baby wipe for dog ears.

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ChuckIt! Fetch & Fold 25M Dog Ball Launcher

Both Toby and Tilly absolutely love playing fetch so this and many, many balls are a staple of our dog tool arsenal. It allows us to throw the balls a lot farther and folds up nicely when we put it away. The balls also seem to last a really long time.

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Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy

Sheepadoodles are very smart dogs so its important to keep their hamster wheels cranking. Dog treat puzzles are a great way to keep them entertained for a bit without much effort.

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KONG Classic Dog Chew Toy

KONG toys are about as close as it gets to being indestructible and we prefer to buy things just once if we can. For extended fun, wedge some biscuits in there or spread some peanut butter inside and then freeze it in the summer. They're more likely to get lost than they are to be destroyed by a Sheepadoodle.

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3 Pack Dog Blanket Soft Warm Flannel Cat Blanket

This is a great set of throws that we keep on our couch 24/7. We've trained our dogs to only get on these if they're going to get on the couch unless invited on to other parts of the couch by someone.

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Yaheetech 36'' Dog Grooming Table

We've had this grooming table for years. It folds away nicely when not in use. It's held up great so far but don't leave it out in the elements as the table is wood under the rubber mat.

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GREENER WALKER 100% Compostable Poop Bags for Dog Waste

This is about a 4-6 month supply and they're great because they're compostable but dont fall apart when you're using them. They also throw really well, whether that's into a trashcan or the back of your neighbor's head because they keep letting their dog use your yard without picking up after.

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VIEWPETS Bench Car Seat Cover

If your dog isn't getting messy every once in a while, maybe you're not doing it right? This is a must for keeping the backseats relatively clean. It's easy to take on and off. We just leave ours in because it works great for the kids who are often messier than the dogs.

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BINGPET Dog Float Bumper Toy

Another dog toy that seems to be indestructible and has lasted way longer than we ever expected. This one is great for use in the water as it floats, is highly visible and easy for your dog to grab while swimming.

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WePet Pet Wrap, Self-Adhesive Non-Woven Tape for Dog Legs

We use this to wrap our dogs legs if they have a a spot that they won't stop licking. This allows the wound to heal and prevents them from being able to continually reinfect it.

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Bousnic Dog Shock Collar for 2 Dogs

This is a great off-leash training tool. It's rechargable, waterproof and also has vibrate-only and beep-only features.

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